The passing of a relative is being mourned by the family of former Nyandarua MP Josiah Mwangi Kariuki.
The late politician’s granddaughter, Ms. Darcy Mwikali Mbaabu, was found dead in her home as she slept. The politician was slain and his body was deposited in a thicket in Kajiado County.
Her mother, Ms. Jane Kariuki, told Nairobi News that her daughter passed away on the evening of Tuesday, January 17, while she was out with friends.
“My daughter did not wake up from her nap. She told this reporter over the phone from the United States of America that toxicology tests are currently being conducted to determine what caused her death.
It has been revealed that police are awaiting the findings before beginning their inquiries into what might have caused her death.
The deceased, a single mother, was born in Kenya and moved to the US with her mother when she was a little child.
In Orange County, California’s Laguna Hills Mortuary, her remains is currently at O’Connor Funeral Home.
The family of the deceased, who passed away at the age of 32, want to cremate her body.
Her ashes will be transported to her house and spread by the graves of her grandparents.
Since she was six years old, Ms. Mbaabu has lived in Orange County, California, home. She was a professional nurse and tax expert.
Only one month had passed since the burial of the guy who found her grandfather’s body in Olosho Oibor village in Kajiado West Sub-County.
The man was named as Mr. Musaite Ole Tunta, who passed away at the age of 109. Tunta was the well-known herder who is credited with finding the body of the controversial politician Josiah Mwangi Kariuki, also known as JM Kariuki, during the administration of President Jomo Kenyatta.
Many friends, family members, and relatives sent condolence messages.
Reina Ray sent her sincere condolences to the entire family, saying, “You are in my prayers.” She was a wonderful lady, that’s all I want to say. She always made me smile, and I will miss her.
To the family, “Poleni sana,” remarked Juliet Jones.
“You were one of the best people I have ever known,” Erin Brandy remarked. You will always be a part of me. I miss you more than I love you. Enjoy your power.