- You weren’t born to just pay bills and die.
- You don’t get to the top by following the rules.
- Networking will get you a job faster than your degree will.
- Results happen overtime and not overnight.
- Wealth is more than just money.
- Nobody cares about your degree when you drive a Lamborghini.
- Society will judge you no matter what.
- Hard times teach you valuable lessons.
- The best revenge is massive success.
- If you can’t manage stress, you will never manage success.
- Financial freedom has a priceless view.
- Money isn’t everything but everything requires money.
- No one is coming to save you. This life is 100% your responsibility.
- Risk is the price you pay for opportunity.
- Focusing on yourself will make you feel unstoppable.
- Doctors won’t make you healthy. Save yourself.
- Your perception is your power.
- Holding on to the past drain your energy.
- If you are not losing friends, you are not growing up.